Here’s Why You’ll Want to Practice Self-Love

Tips from Psychotherapist Sharon Martin

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When You Practice Self-Love

Photo by: Josh Hild - Pexels

“Self-love lays the foundation for assertiveness, establishing boundaries, nurturing healthy relationships, practicing self-care, pursuing personal interests and goals, and feeling pride in one's identity.”

Without Self-Love

“Without self-love, we’re prone to harsh self-criticism and may succumb to people-pleasing tendencies and perfectionism. We may tolerate mistreatment from others, disregard our own needs and feelings due to a lack of self-worth, and make choices that undermine our best interests.”

Isn’t That Narcissistic?

“Narcissists believe they are superior, refuse to acknowledge their flaws or take responsibility for their mistakes, and constantly seek external validation and recognition. They lack empathy for others.”

“In contrast, people who genuinely love themselves recognize their flaws, acknowledge their mistakes, and accept and care for themselves despite their imperfections. Self-love does not hinder caring for others; it merely allows individuals to extend the same kindness to themselves.”

Adapted from: Psychology Today, “The Power of Self-Love. Why self-love matters, and how to get started.” written by Sharon Martin


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