“I’ve Always Got Five Minutes for a Friend”

Photo from: Sam Lion - Pexels

Explore New York Times writer Tara Parker-Pope's account as she reflects on the moment when her friend took five minutes out of her busy work schedule to connect. This simple yet profound gesture left Tara with a lasting mantra that she tries to follow: “I've always got five minutes for a friend.” 

“I’ve never forgotten an exchange with my friend Julie Mason… I stopped by her desk with a question and noticed she was on a deadline. ‘That’s O.K.,’ she said, turning around to show me I had her full attention. ‘I’ve always got five minutes for a friend.’” 

“The moment made such an impression on me that I’ve tried to make it my mantra: ‘I’ve always got five minutes for a friend.’ And I’ve also remembered the importance of body language — turning to give them my full attention (and putting down my phone or work) when I see them.”

Don’t avoid friends because you can’t give them hours of your attention. It takes only a few minutes of listening and care to make a connection and reinforce the bonds of friendship. Take five minutes to call or text, and just tell a friend you are thinking about them.”

— Tara Parker-Pope, writer from The New York Times

Source: The New York Times, “How to Be a Better Friend” by Tara Parker-Pope


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